I apply this sentence to my life often, not the gun part of course, but the "you are what you choose to be, you choose." This phrase pops up in my head often when I am doing many things from hitting a tennis ball in a match to helping my family with difficulties.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness has a great article on coping tips for helping loved ones with a mental illness. One of the basic principles is, "Despite your best efforts, your loved one's symptoms will change for the better or sometimes the worse; it is out of your control."
The symptoms of an illness are out of anyone's control, but the person with the illness is in control of how they are going to cope with it, how they are going to live their life. As a mother, father, or sibling we can not force that person to take help or not to take help, to live or to die. It is their choice, they have to choose.
So remember when you are going through life; you are what you choose to be, you choose.