“Kevin Hines is an award-winning global speaker, bestselling author, documentary filmmaker, suicide prevention and mental health advocate who reaches audiences with his story of an unlikely survival and his strong will to live. Two years after he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, he attempted to take his life by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge.
He is one of only thirty-four (less than 1%) to survive the fall and he is the only Golden Gate Bridge jump survivor who is actively spreading the message of living mentally healthy around the globe.
Kevin’s will to live and stay mentally well has inspired people worldwide. His compelling story has touched diverse, global audiences within colleges and universities, high schools, corporations, clergy, military, clinicians, health and medical communities, law enforcement organizations, and various conferences. Thousands have communicated to Hines that his story helped save their lives.
Kevin believes in the power of the human spirit and in the fact that you can find the ability to live mentally well. His mantra: ‘Life is a gift, that is why they call it the present. Cherish it always.’” --http://www.kevinhinesstory.com/
Recently Kevin spoke at the White House and in his moving speech he emphasized the need for men to start asking for help. He talked about his recovery, his daily fight for mental well-being, and of traveling the world spreading the message of hope, because, as Kevin states, “hope helps people heal.”
Telling our stories of mental health will help break down the stigma surrounding this illness. This is one of the last fights for civil rights and it is our duty to stand up and speak out about mental illness, for now and for future generations. Remember mental illness is just an illness like any other, an illness in need of treatment and compassion.
I encourage everyone to listen to what Kevin has to say. His enthusiasm for mental wellness is inspiring.
Please follow the link below and forward to 1:02:40 to see the White House speech
For more information on Kevin and his projects please check out these links.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WTDxCuYJH0&feature=youtu.be (a dream for mental health equality)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcSUs9iZv-g (Kevin’s suicide prevention awareness story)