My daughter forwarded this touching youtube story to me and I felt the need to share.
The story is about a family who discover their one year old daughter is deaf. She has cochlear implants and with a great deal of work is able to speak and hear. Once she could speak, she proclaimed that she was a boy.
Now, don't stop reading because you don't like this subject, remember the title is on acceptance.
The parents were baffled and didn't know what to do. They thought it was a phase, but it didn't go away, and when their precious five year old child started to display feelings of shame, they knew they had to do something more. They did what every parent does when they don't know how to help their child, they sought the help of professionals and experts and researched everything they could. All those involved came to the same conclusion, the child was transgender. In their research they discovered a startling statistic, that 41% of transgender people have attempted suicide because of a lack of societal acceptance. These parents were not willing to risk losing their child to suicide.
The parents wholeheartedly embraced their child and his well-being. "Relative to the horrific things people have to endure with their children all over the world, this is nothing. We signed up as parents with no strings attached." And because these parents gave their child unconditional love and acceptance, he now thrives.
I have to admit, I knew almost nothing about transgender people, so I had to do some research myself. According to Wikipedia Transgender is the state of one's gender identity (self-identification as woman, man, neither or both) or gender expression not matching one's assigned sex (identification by others as male, female or intersex based on physical/genetic sex). Transgender is independent of sexual orientation.
Opening our eyes and hearts to every human being and respecting them for who they are is what acceptance is all about.
My favorite part of this story is what the parents say about having "signed up as parents with no strings attached." We often have expectations as parents and want our child to be or act a certain way. We must remember, they are individuals with their own beliefs, goals, and dreams. Understanding, helping, and teaching them how to achieve these things is the best way to parent.
"Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?"--Henry David Thoreau
Take a few minutes to watch the story on youtube and practice acceptance each day. You never know when you will need acceptance from others.