If you have some money at your disposal or amazing insurance coverage you can send them to residential treatment which ranges from wilderness programs and boot camps to psychiatric facilities.
Do they work? Sure, at least while the youth is there they work. The hard part is when they come home. If the parents don't do the work too and know how to deal with their troubled child once they are out of treatment, old behaviors will return rather quickly.
If you are looking for a treatment program this website is very helpful: http://natsap.org/ If you click under finding a program you can input information and it will give a great list of facilities. I would never send a youth to a place that wasn't accredited.
If money is not at your disposal unfortunately the world of mental health, which is how troubled youth are generally classified, is a difficult one. No one wants to talk about it, and no one wants to pay for it. Of course, things are better than they were a year ago and they will be better next year, but those of you who are dealing with your troubled youth right now and don't know what to do it doesn't help to know it's better than it used to be.
The best advice I can give is to occasionally take time out for yourself. If you are unable to function you will not be able to help your troubled youth. Take any help from family, friends, or other resources that is offered. If none is offered then ask for help. Don't do this alone, don't destroy your life for your troubled youth. Love them, be supportive, and love yourself too.