What is normal?
According to the online dictionary the word normal means to conform to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural. When talking about psychology the word means approximately average in any psychological trait, as intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment.
“Approximately average” is not what I strive for in life. I hope that no one strives to be approximately average. So why do we wish to be normal? During some of my son’s darkest times he did just that, “I just want to be normal,” he said. And his counselor responded, “Maybe you need to redefine what normal is.” We need to do more than redefine normal; we need to stop using the word.
Instead of describing someone as normal we should talk about people in terms of personality or strides they have taken. For example you could say, “He is well spoken, he has a varied vocabulary, he writes well, he makes a presence in a room, he works hard, he is interesting, polite, humorous, soft-spoken, kind, or any number of adjectives, but please, not normal.
When experiencing a mental illness wish for health, happiness, creativity, resourcefulness or strength, but please don’t wish to be normal.
The renowned psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung said, “To be normal is the ideal aim of the unsuccessful.” Jung was determined to live his life in an uncompromisingly unique way. Don’t compromise to live a normal life. Reach high, aim for uniqueness, and don’t be normal.