This is not the first person who has contacted me from a facility and I am glad that my information is seeping out into the world. When my son was having problems, it was difficult to find the right advice and treatment for him and even now I wonder if everything we did was helpful. When you are in a crisis situation you grasp at straws and take whatever is offered. My hope is that some of the information I relay will help just one person to find what they need.
I am working hard to finish my memoir and have it available for the public, so that maybe this too will help someone realize that there is hope. My son has decided that he would like to read the memoir before it is released. I have fears that it will set him back into a dark place, but I have to let him choose. The story is mine, but it is also his, so I want him to have a say in its development. Keep your fingers crossed that he doesn't digress or forbid me to publish it.
Remember addiction can be a multitude of things. It is not only drugs, but can be cutting, gambling, and video games. Some addictions are more dangerous than others. If you believe you have an addiction reach out and get help. You only need to Google-addiction help-and you will find a plethora of information. If you are not sure whether you have an addiction, check out this extensive site below on all the addictions from a-z. Who knew there were so many?
Thank you to Addiction Center for the nice email. Check out their site above or on the resources page.