We sent our son to Youthcare in Utah. http://youthcare.crchealth.com/ It is a crc health group and they have many facilities around the country. Utah was a long way from Florida, but it seemed to be the best program for him. Was it perfect? No, but nothing in life is perfect. Did he learn safe coping skills? Yes. Was he safe? For the most part he was. If a youth wants to hurt or kill themselves they will find a way no matter where they are.
The staff was amazing. The therapists were excellent and the program has an onsite psychiatrist and nurse. Does insurance cover it? No, ours covered one month in a year and the rest we paid for out of pocket. We did run into parents of one client who told us their school board in Illinois was paying for their child 100% to be there because of her diagnosis. I found that amazing because our school board wouldn't even pay for my son to go to a special, low stress school when he was released from full-time care.
If you are ready to spend their college money, then I would recommend Youthcare. Only remember this, unless the parents are willing to work hard and learn the same things their child is learning during their stay at a facility it will only help while they are there. Once home, they will revert back to old, comfortable ways without the much needed support and hard work of their parents.